Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tu as bien dormi?

So in Cameroon, there is a particular order that you do all your greetings in. It starts out with "Hello. How are you?" ("Bonjour, ca va?" in the morning or "Bonsoir, ca va?") any time after noon. Then they ask you if you slept well.

My answer on Tuesday morning was "Pas trop!" (Not so much!)

So Monday night, I popped a couple of benadryl to try to get my sleep schedule on Cameroon time, because as my host mother said, "my clock is still in the US." It seemed to be effective...until around 3am, when I woke up with a start, because something was rustling on my Poptarts wrapper.

Now, I don't know about you, but I am pretty paranoid, when it comes to potential critters in my sleeping space. I not-so-stealthily got up and turned on the light. I approached the desk wtih caution. I saw something brownish-grey shoot across the room! Cue adrenaline rush. I spent the next half hour tidying my room and hunting the mouse/frog/boogeyman with varying degrees of success (My room got tidy. The Creature remained at large).

After another half hour of counting sheep, I was finally settling down to my midsummer's nap, when something FELL ON ME inside my mosquito net. It may have been the Creature. It may have been a cafar (a cockroach). It may have been a bobby pin...

The world may never know.

(PS First impressions of Cameroon/Bafia/Yaounde/etc coming soon!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! This is Rebecca and I will be faithfully stalking your blog since I myself have the faint glimmer of an idea of being a PCV myself someday. THAT IS DISGUSTING. I hope it wasn't a large spider. Anything but that.
