Sunday, March 30, 2014

Open House

So in America when you go to an Open House at school, you see art projects and you eat cookies and punch. In Cameroon, it is a two-day event.
No English! Hooray!

The official start time is 10am, so people start arriving at about 10:30 and the person who opens the ceremonies arrives after 11. There are speeches galore with long-winded introductions before each one and songs as transitions.

The favorite part of Portes-Ouvertes for many people, especially teachers and students, is that there is no class! (As in school, not a lack of classiness)

After all the speeches, we went through each class and they did presentations for the academic classes. For technical classes, the kids applied their skills and built walls, made lightbulb demonstrations, tatted lace, made foods, made beds, tables, etc.
Health Club giving out free rapid HIV tests
The clubs also did demonstrations on what they had learned. The Health Club did some HIV/AIDS education and sponsored an AIDS monument. They even did some free rapid tests on teachers, students and guests.

My Girls' Club did condom demonstrations and explained the reasons to use one. I was really proud of my girls for working on their public speaking and doing a great demo.
"Campus sans SIDA" (Campus without AIDS)

After the grand tour, everyone enjoyed food and drinks in the teachers' lounge. The important people all drank "petit Guinness."

And that's how you attract new students to your school!

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