Tuesday, September 24, 2013


George and I were having a very intensive cuddling session the other afternoon and over the course of the pillowtalk, he confessed something to me.

George's greatest aspiration is to represent Cameroon in the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio.

A little known fact about the Olympics is that each species has their own Olympics complete with different sports. You certainly wouldn't find a sloth doing any kind of race would you?

George is currently participating in a rigorous training program for mousing. It involves racing around the house over, around and under obstacles such as ironwork, rugs, moto helmets, curtains, flowers and people. He has to do pull-ups on mosquito nets. He must hide under the table and attack anything that moves whether it's toes, clothing or something imaginary. He has to jump out of windows and hide in storm drains.

His program includes strength, agility, stealth and murderous intent.

When he catches a mouse or a lizard, he must throw the corpse around for at least an hour to simulate a battle with a more challenging adversary.

Sometimes it's hard living with a critter with such great expectations, but all I can do is support him and give him 2-3 scrambled eggs a day. He needs protein to build up his muscle mass.

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