Friday, January 3, 2014

Kribi - Part 1

Two weeks ago Wednesday I got to Yaounde to get some blood tests done to see if there was anything wrong with me that could make me sick all the time.

I'm healthy! There's nothing wrong with me, except anemia, but I imagine the week of shrimp in Kribi plus beans galore here have cured me off all my ills!

After a few days spent in Yaounde going to labs and eating American food at Route 66 and drinking really delicious mojitos (with real ice!) at Hilton Happy Hour, I headed off to IST (inter-service training) at Kribi.

Kribi is one of two big beach resort towns in Cameroon. It's known for its seafood, white sand beaches and derangey people. I may be immune to a lot of deranging coming from the East, but I didn't find Kribi too bad in that respect. It's like anywhere where there are a lot of tourists - There are especially nice people, because they know a lot of their income depends on tourists and there are people who resent tourists and as a consequence, behave like turds.

The beaches are beautiful - white sand and big black rocks jutting out of the water. It was ripe for a Little Mermaid reenactment. The waves were big and the water was warm enough for swimming and cool enough to be refreshing. I am definitely a Kribi kid.

We spent the days doing sessions and the afternoons swimming and the rest of our time eating and freezing to death under the air conditioning. It was great!

The seafood was incredible! A few of us went to the fish market and I had delicious poisson braise. It was so good that I actually had a dream about it. The dream goes as follows: A fish mama walks up with a platter of fish flopping all around. I look up and say, "Now that's a fresh fish!"

I ended the week on a high note with some food poisoning and a quick trip to Yaounde to make sure that there was still not anything seriously wrong with me (Nothing a Bastos smoothie couldn't fix).

To be continued....

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